ACOHI – Indian, Asian & Global Leadership in Hospitality Industry – The First National & International Business Governing Authority (P) of India & Asia for Hospitality Industry - APPROVED BY MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS - GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ( 120379-MCA-COI-U85300PN2020NPL193639 ) , ACOHI is a New Global Leader. Wins Prestigious International Straw Poll from Hamburg Germany with Vote Share & Margins of 95.77%



The hospitality industry is one of the most dynamic and diverse sectors in the world, offering a range of opportunities and challenges for professionals. As alumni of various Institutes of Hotel Management (IHM) in India, Asia & World, you have a unique advantage of having received a quality education and training in this field as well as having a network of peers and mentors across the region and beyond. This is the section which will enable you to leverage this advantage to build a strong borderless unity, acting as one family, contributing to the industry and the globe via this supreme platform curated after years of hard work & research for the global goals of hospitality industry.


Established in 2023, ACOHI WORLD IHM’S ALUMNI is a network of graduates & experts from all the fields of hospitality industry who are alumni or ex-students of various catering colleges across India, Asia & World. The ACOHI WORLD ALUMNI is a prestigious and innovative organization under the aegis of ACOHI which has been formed with extreme important vision to make sure that there is unity across all the hospitality experts across the nation & globe and an united force is formed which can immensely contribute to the national & world forum of hospitality with the base visions of ACOHI that aims to establish a culinary world of unity, business, technology exchange, bilateral relations, peace and brotherhood across Asia and the world with borderless culinary world with the visions of key word from Indian ancient books called Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam meaning the World is one Family, we are trying to make an robust attempt to make the United World Family of Hospitality Industry via their alumni network and alma mater institutes to become one for the common goals of Hospitality World.


वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् – वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् मूल संस्कार तथा विचारधारा है, जो महा उपनिषद सहित कई ग्रन्थों में लिपिबद्ध है महा उपनिषद सहित कई ग्रन्थों में लिपिबद्ध है। इसका अर्थ है- धरती ही परिवार है (वसुधा एव कुटुम्बकम्)। यह वाक्य भारतीय संसद के प्रवेश कक्ष में भी अंकित है।

अयं निजः परोवेति गणना लघुचेतसाम् ।
उदारचरितानां तु वसुधैवकुटुम्बकम् ॥ (महोपनिषद्, अध्याय ६, मंत्र ७१)
अर्थ – यह मेरा अपना है और यह नहीं है, इस तरह की गणना छोटे चित्त (सञ्कुचित मन) वाले लोग करते हैं। उदार हृदय वाले लोगों के लिए तो (सम्पूर्ण) धरती ही परिवार है।

The Great English Language Version of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam is a fundamental value and philosophy, which is inscribed in many scriptures including the Maha Upanishad. It means- the earth is a family (vasudha eva kutumbakam). This sentence is also inscribed in the entrance hall of the Indian Parliament.

This is mine and this is not, such calculation is done by small-minded people. For the noble-hearted, however, the whole earth is a family. (Maha Upanishad, Chapter 6, Verse 71)

The Great French Language Version of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam est une valeur fondamentale et une philosophie, qui est inscrite dans de nombreux écrits, y compris le Maha Upanishad. Cela signifie- la terre est une famille (vasudha eva kutumbakam). Cette phrase est également inscrite dans le hall d’entrée du Parlement indien.

Ceci est à moi et ceci n’est pas, un tel calcul est fait par des gens à l’esprit étroit. Pour les gens au cœur noble, cependant, toute la terre est une famille. (Maha Upanishad, Chapitre 6, Verset 71)

The Great Spanish Language Version of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam es un valor fundamental y una filosofía, que está inscrita en muchos escritos, incluido el Maha Upanishad. Significa- la tierra es una familia (vasudha eva kutumbakam). Esta frase también está inscrita en el salón de entrada del Parlamento de la India.

Este es mío y este no lo es, tal cálculo lo hacen las personas de mente pequeña. Para los de corazón noble, sin embargo, toda la tierra es una familia. (Maha Upanishad, Capítulo 6, Versículo 71)

The Great German Language Version of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam ist ein grundlegender Wert und eine Philosophie, die in vielen Schriften, einschließlich des Maha Upanishad, eingeschrieben ist. Es bedeutet- die Erde ist eine Familie (vasudha eva kutumbakam). Dieser Satz ist auch in der Eingangshalle des indischen Parlaments eingraviert.

Dies ist mein und dies ist nicht, solche Berechnungen werden von kleinmütigen Menschen gemacht. Für die edelherzigen jedoch ist die ganze Erde eine Familie. (Maha Upanishad, Kapitel 6, Vers 71)

The Great Chinese Language Version of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam是一种基本的价值观和哲学,它被刻在许多经文中,包括Maha Upanishad。它的意思是-地球是一个家庭(vasudha eva kutumbakam)。这句话也刻在印度议会的入口大厅里。这是我的,这不是,这样的计算是由心胸狭窄的人做的。对于高尚的人来说,整个地球就是一个家庭。 (Maha Upanishad,第6章,第71节)

The Great Japan Language Version of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakamは、マハ・ウパニシャッドを含む多くの聖典に記されている基本的な価値観と哲学です。それは-地球は家族である(vasudha eva kutumbakam)という意味です。この文はインド議会の入り口のホールにも刻まれています。これは私のもので、これはそうではありません。そのような計算は心の小さい人々によって行われます。しかし高潔な心を持つ人々にとっては、地球全体が家族です。 (マハ・ウパニシャッド、第6章、第71節) |

The Great Italian Language Version of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam è un valore e una filosofia fondamentale che è iscritta in molte scritture tra cui la Maha Upanishad. Significa- la terra è una famiglia (vasudha eva kutumbakam). Questa frase è anche incisa nel salone d’ingresso del Parlamento indiano. Questo è mio e questo no, tale calcolo è fatto da persone meschine. Per i nobili di cuore, tuttavia, tutta la terra è una famiglia. (Maha Upanishad, Capitolo 6, Versetto 71) | |


FCI/MSIHMCT Alumni, Pune – Maharashtra- India, which is one of the strongest alumni of India, which played major role in formation of ACOHI global alumni and network. We will be always and be ever grateful for the help extended by the alumni for the formation of this global dream of success.


The ACOHI WORLD IHM’S ALUMNI plays an important role in the development of the hospitality industry, both nationally and internationally. Some of the benefits and impacts of the alumni network are:
• It provides a national & global platform for alumni to share their expertise, knowledge, and experience with each other and with the current students of their city, state & nation. This helps to foster a culture of learning, mentoring, and collaboration among hospitality professionals.
• It creates opportunities for alumni to expand their network and connections with other hospitality leaders, experts, and influencers from different cities, states, countries and regions. This can lead to new partnerships, collaborations, and business ventures that can benefit the hospitality industry as a whole.
• It showcases the achievements and contributions of alumni to the hospitality industry and society at large. This can inspire and motivate other hospitality professionals and students to pursue excellence and innovation in their fields.
• It strengthens the bond and loyalty of alumni to their alma mater. Alumni can give back to their institute by supporting its academic programs, research projects, events, and initiatives. Alumni can also help to promote there Institute its reputation and brand as a world-class hospitality institute via the network of ACOHI.
• It enhances the personal and professional growth of alumni by providing them with access to various resources, events, training, and career opportunities. Alumni can also enjoy the social and emotional benefits of reconnecting with their old friends, colleagues, teachers and principals.
• It demonstrates the strength and unity of the hospitality industry to the world. By coming together as a global community of hospitality professionals, alumni can showcase their skills, talents, values and vision for the future of hospitality. Alumni can also advocate for the interests and needs of the hospitality industry in various platforms and forums.


Keep in touch with your IHM roots. Don’t lose contact with your institute and your batchmates. Join online communities, newsletters, and events that keep you informed and involved. Share your stories, insights, and feedback with them, learn from theirs. You never know when you might need their help or advice, or when you might be able to offer yours. Celebrate your culture and diversity with hospitality. Don’t hide or ignore your heritage and culture. Share it with others and let them share theirs with you. Tell your stories, traditions, cuisines, arts, and values with pride and respect. Listen to their stories, traditions, cuisines, arts, and values with curiosity and appreciation. You never know when you might discover something new or interesting or when you might enrich someone’s understanding or experience.


Have fun and enjoy life with your friends and family. You can relive those old days back by organizing reunions, trips, parties or games with your classmates and teachers. You can also create new memories by exploring new places, trying new things or pursuing new hobbies with your best friends. You can balance your work and personal life by finding time for relaxation, recreation, and wellness. Stay connected with your alma mater and fellow alumni. You can join online platforms, social media groups, newsletters and events that keep you updated on the latest developments and achievements of your institute and your batchmates. You can also share your own experiences, insights and feedback with them, creating a mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and ideas.

Have fun and enjoy life with hospitality. Don’t let work take over your life. Find time for relaxation, recreation, and wellness. Relive those old days back by reconnecting with your classmates and teachers. Create new memories by exploring new places, trying new things, pursuing new hobbies with your friends and family. You never know when you might have a great time or a memorable moment or when you might make someone happy or smile.


Participate in professional associations, conferences and forums that bring together hospitality experts from different countries and backgrounds. You can learn from the best practices, innovations and trends in the industry as well as network with potential partners, clients, employers and collaborators. You can also showcase your own expertise and achievements, raising your profile and reputation in the field. Join the global hospitality conversation. Don’t limit yourself to your own country or region. Attend professional associations, conferences and forums that connect you with hospitality experts from around the world. Learn from their best practices, innovations and trends. Network with potential partners, clients, employers and collaborators. Showcase your own expertise and achievements. You never know when you might find a new opportunity or challenge or when you might be able to create one. You can also make a positive impact on the country and the world by being responsible citizens and global ambassadors of hospitality excellence.


Engage in social responsibility and volunteerism activities that support the causes and communities that you care about. You can use your skills and resources to make a positive impact on the environment, society and economy both locally and globally. You can also inspire and empower the next generation of hospitality leaders by mentoring, coaching or sponsoring students and young professionals who aspire to follow your footsteps. Give back to the world with hospitality. Don’t forget about the causes and communities that matter to you. Use your skills and resources to make a positive difference in the world both locally and globally. Support environmental, social and economic initiatives that align with your values and goals. Inspire and empower the next generation of hospitality leaders by mentoring, coaching or sponsoring them. You never know when you might make a lasting impact or change someone’s life or when someone might do the same for you.


Celebrate your heritage and culture with pride and respect. You can share your stories, traditions, cuisines, arts and values with others, enriching their understanding and appreciation of your background. You can also learn from the diverse cultures and perspectives of others, broadening your horizons and enhancing your intercultural competence.


The ACOHI WORLD IHM’S ALUMNI is a valuable asset for the hospitality industry. It has a rich history and a bright future. It has a positive impact on the country and the world & it has a strong sense of belonging and pride for its alma mater, country & world of hospitality.

Fill in the inquiry form below to get listed on the global platform


IHM students on the dias of His Excellency Governer of Maharashtra, Cabinet Minister, Business Honchos of Asia, Stalwarts, Bureaucrats due to efforts of ACOHI.

ACOHI under the banner of WORLD IHM ALUMNI always wanted students of IHM’s to get exclusive kind of exposure. Wish to thank Honorable Ruksana Billimoria Madam, Coordinating Teachers and Students of Anjuman I Islam’s Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology – CST, Fort – Mumbai for their August presence.

Special thanks to Honorable Dr. Jayant Kathe Sir for the coordination with the institution.

Students attended all important sessions which was ranging from varied subjects with specialists from all over India which started in the morning to evening with full enthusiastic approach which will surely help them immensely for their future.

Great efforts by ACOHI for our great future –
Our Students.

Special Thanks & Mention –
Vivekananda Youth Connect Foundation.

Enquiry Now