ACOHI – Indian, Asian & Global Leadership in Hospitality Industry – The First National & International Business Governing Authority (P) of India & Asia for Hospitality Industry - APPROVED BY MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS - GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ( 120379-MCA-COI-U85300PN2020NPL193639 ) , ACOHI is a New Global Leader. Wins Prestigious International Straw Poll from Hamburg Germany with Vote Share & Margins of 95.77%

L&D – Learning & Development Division

L&D – Learning & Development Division

L&D – Learning & Development Division


ACOHI kick starts the most promising and required project “ACOHI – PEHCHAN” in Asian Continent Starting from India at Suryadatta Hotel Management Institute – Maharashtra, Pune

Hospitality Industry of India, the most promising industry which is on the delivery of 12% GDP to the nation, is completely based on value and technical based education in India and rest of the world dispensing millions of jobs across India and World. The Industry is based on its best Human Resource which gets technically and formally educated through various Hotel Management Craft, Diploma and Degree Courses which are exclusive in the quota of State & Central Government as well as Private Institutions which are running an array of varied courses across length and breadth of India and Asia.

Most disheartening research which has come out is once the student is admitted in any Catering College within the initial days the Catering Colleges fails to make him or her understand the bigness of course and the opportunities which are laid in front of him in the coming future as well as his entire career graph, as the intuition goes in the old fashioned induction programme which results in lots of dropouts in the initial phase of admission as well as even after the candidate finishing his studies does not remain in Industry because of various reasons out of which the main reasons is not understanding the industry well and which are the areas where he can excel apart from Hotels and the so called 4-5 important divisions which are only laid as career in front of student but reality is more than hundreds of options are there where the candidate can opt and take his career on the exceptional heights in flying colors.

Understanding the fact in the most serious manner and to make sure the valued human resource stays in the industry ACOHI – Asian Countries Chamber of Hospitality Industry took the responsibility in its hands as the official representation of Hotel & Hospitality Industry in entire India and Asia as World’s First Chamber of Hospitality Industry duly recognized by Central Government of India takes the charge ahead and launches the most promising project “ACOHI – PEHCHAN” definition marks as Knowing the Industry Better.

In spite we being such a flourishing industry nobody till date in the history thought of this that what is the root cause of drop outs of most cases in initial admissions and after the course is completed and what are the pain points like not understanding the Industry proper, duty hours ,treatment given, low salaries, students initial questions not answered while they are admitted and how it can be countered to make sure the Industry becomes the most wanted industry to enter for as a career is what we are working on in the depth and has got astonishing success till date which gave thought to us to launch project “ACOHI – PEHCHAN”. We are sure it will create its mark and the best human resource will remain in our Industry and not transfer to other industries as they are our important asset. ACOHI – PEHCHAN will extend in entire India and Asia from immediate effect and will connect to all IHM’s & Catering Colleges across India ( Government & Private Sector ). The results of which could be seen with Industry and Education sector and graph going in upward direction making Hospitality Industry and India more stronger in terms of their Education System and Human Resource Patterns giving directions to rest of the world for wellness of students and growth for their lifetime career graph explains Chairman & BOG Chief of ACOHI Dr. Sanee Awsarmmel.       

At Suryadatta Institute of Hotel Management Certified & Accredited By ANAB, USA ( Member of IAF By NVT – QC Affiliated to Harvard , Cambridge UK, SWISSAM Russia & Lincon Malaysia ) We are extremely fortunate that Project ACOHI – PEHCHAN starts at our campus and we being the first flag bearer ACOHI – PEHCHAN for students overall wellness in terms of career growth, feels supremely elated of being part of it. We as an institute has deliver the best human resource to industry and has the excellent track records of placements along with giving quality education to students through our varied courses of MCVC, Diploma, Degree in Hotel Management and as a responsible institute we feel that project “ACOHI – PEHCHAN”  will mark its presence and will fill the void of communication and understanding the Industry well from the students prospective. Suryadatta Group always being the supporter of noble and value based work for Hospitality Industry of India, wish best and extends our unconditional support for “ACOHI – PEHCHAN” as it’s the immediate need of hour in entire India for betterment of our Industry and students positively asserts Group Chairman of Suryadatta Management Institutes Prof. Dr. Sanjay Chordia.  

Endorsements for Project PEHCHAN By the Stalwarts of the Hospitality Industry of India  

1) Honorable Shri. Kuldip Verma Ji Sr. Vice President – ITDC ( Indian Tourism Development Corporation ) Government of India & Ex Chief of Operations of the World Famous Hotel Ashok – Delhi, Quotes about Project ACOHI – PEHCHAN.

2) Stalwart of Hospitality Industry Ex Executive Chef Oil & Gas Co. & Super Senior of IHM Mumbai Honorable Shri. Ramesh Krishnan Ji Quotes for Promising Project ACOHI – PEHCHAN.

3) Endorsement by Mr. Nitin Shinde ( Sr. Professor – Suryadatta Institute of Hotel Management ) who personally attended this programme.

It is one of the great news for the entire hotel management institute across India and IHM’s and catering college students that project ACOHI PEHCHAN which was launched just 2 days back.After launching this project we have seen tremendous positive changes in the students.

We witnessed the session live which was of amazing energy, knowledge, Industry research, stories and jaw dropping moments among the students.

They are more focused towards their career and they are more confident about their future in the hospitality industry now.

Previously there was lot of misunderstanding about this industry but after launching of this project everyone is motivated and massive change is seen alongside students.Students attendance is increased, those who were planning to leave HM course they have changed their mind n decided to continue, cancellation of admission almost not their which is very big thing probably seen first time.

These changes will bring a very positive impact on the hospitality industry and better performance will be seen from the students who will turn employees sooner and also during their study time.Hoteliers and Hod’s will feel the drastic change in performance cause now everyone is motivated.

Thanks to ” Pehchan”

Thanks to Dr. Sanee Awsarmmel n Dr. Sanjay Chordiya for taking initiatives for this project.

Feeling just great, never experienced such changes, may this project PEHCHAN continue forever.



300 Self Help Group ladies trained by ACOHI – Asian Chamber of Hospitality Industry, Bheema Food Cart Network & MSFI in association with FDA Pune.
These are the ladies who will be making our street food better and safe in coming future.
Presence of Hospitality Experts, Chefs, FDA Commissioners and Hotel Industry Big Wigs. 


Distribution of 100 Food Licences to the Street Vendors at the National Secretariat of Asian Countries Chamber of Hospitality Industry. Presence of Top Politicos of Viman Nagar – Pune & FDA Commissioners of Maharashtra.

Street Food Business should be with Ease & Dignity which they were deprieved off.

Changing the Mindset & Economics of Local Street Food.

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