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ACOHI Garden & Forest Research & Development Committee

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ACOHI Garden & Forest Research & Development Committee - Its Impact on Pune & Maharashtra

The Asian Countries Chamber of Hospitality Industry (ACOHI) is a world’s first organization that aims to establish a culinary world of unity, business, technology exchange, bilateral relations, peace and brotherhood across Asia and the world. ACOHI has 37 independent boards that work on various aspects of the hospitality industry.

One of the boards of is the ACOHI Garden & Forest Research & Development Committee, which is dedicated to creating and maintaining forest gardens in urban and rural areas with the CSR activities of Hospitality Industry in the city. A forest garden is a type of agroforestry system that mimics a natural forest ecosystem and provides multiple benefits such as food, fuel, medicine, biodiversity, carbon sequestration, soil conservation, water harvesting, etc.

The ACOHI Garden & Forest Research & Development Committee has been working on several projects in Pune and Maharashtra to promote forest gardening as a sustainable and CSR practice. Some of the projects are -

Maintenance of City Roadside Plantations and Road Mid Dividers with Green Corridors across Pune City – One of the major project and aim is to maintain the amount of beautification which was done by PMC during the G20 summit which made the entire city look like fresh, sprawling, energetic to encompass and welcome the delegates of G20 on which good amount of money was spent by the PMC – Government of Maharashtra in the year 2023. It is our duty to contribute and participate towards the beautoifications of Pune city and help the PMC – Garden department to maintain the beautification work which is being done from their department and put a raising hand of support towards making our city the best in Maharashtra & India. Hospitality industry of India will be adopting special areas in Pune city for beautification in which special forces will be deployed to make sure the greenery remains in the city specially roadside areas which are always the most neglected.

Live Music in Special Gardens of Pune – From the markings of IMWC which is one of the supreme wings of ACOHI which works on National & International Music special artists of national & international repute will be deployed for live music and music bands every weekend which will become special attractions for the entire Pune. This activity will be very special and one of its kind in Pune & Maharashtra and also across India.

VIP & VVIP visits to our Special Gardens in the city on protocol of ACOHI – ACOHI HQ is always on the rolls of VIP & VVIP visits across India, Asia & World Authorities, as a special mark and pride towards our city and our gardens VIP & VVIPs will be scheduled to our noted gardens in Pune city which will become benchmark activity for everyone to follow in Maharashtra & India. It will also send a message of Environment protection & conservation along with popularizing local & beautiful places which are maintained by our local authorities & garden commissionerates with lots of love and care.

Mahabaleshwar & Panchgani Forest Garden Project – This project aims to transform Mahabaleshwar and Panchgani into international travel destinations by creating forest gardens in hotels, resorts, farms and public spaces. The project also involves training and empowering local farmers and communities to adopt forest gardening techniques and produce organic products.

Gir Cow Forest Garden Project – This project aims to bring back the lost legacy of Gir cow by establishing forest gardens in rural parts of Maharashtra. The project also involves breeding and conserving Gir cows, which are known for their high-quality A2 milk and ghee. The project also supports rural livelihoods and health by providing organic dairy products.

Pune City Forest Garden Project – This project aims to create urban forest gardens in Pune city by involving hotel brands, schools, colleges, corporates, NGOs and citizens. The project also educates and raises awareness about the benefits of forest gardening and urban greening. The project also contributes to improving the air quality, climate resilience and aesthetic value of the city.

The impact of these projects on Pune and Maharashtra is significant and positive. Some of the impacts are -

Environmental impact – The forest gardens help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, enhance biodiversity, conserve soil and water resources, mitigate floods and droughts, and create microclimates that moderate temperature extremes.

Economic impact – The forest gardens help to generate income and employment opportunities for farmers and communities by producing diverse and value-added products such as fruits, nuts, herbs, spices, honey, etc. The forest gardens also attract tourists and visitors who spend money on accommodation, food, transportation, etc.

Social impact – The forest gardens help to improve food security and nutrition for rural and urban populations by providing access to fresh and organic food. The forest gardens also foster social cohesion and harmony by creating spaces for recreation, education, culture and spirituality.

In conclusion the ACOHI Garden & Forest Research & Development Committee is a visionary, modern and innovative initiative that has a positive impact on Pune and Maharashtra. The committee is working towards creating a greener Pune & Maharashtra which is more healthier, sustainable, organic, beautiful and a happier world for everyone.

• Hotel & Hospitality Brands can join us for their HR & extra curricular activities.
• Catering colleges of the city can join us for projects for students.
• Corporate companies can join us for their HR & CSR activities.
• Schools can join us for their special activities for kids.
• Music bands/individuals musicians can join for the marking of the shows and special performances.

Join the Movement … !!!

Fill in the below inquiry form to get associated with the team and mark your presence for our City & State.


ACOHI HQ, Pune – Maharashtra.
Exterior view backed with Lush Greenary. Plantation done almost 15 years ago by ACOHI Team which is showing results now.

Plantation is very necessary for us and our Planet, ACOHI is making sure that all the Hotels & Hospitality Premises including Catering Colleges are covered with Supreme Greenary along with the near by areas/roads/dividers/footpaths also.

Soon we are associating with Local Governance for the Planning of City for which special vertical has been created under our CSR projections.

We need your support to make this happen for our City & Hospitality Industry.

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