• To Establish a Network of Presidential Chefs across the Globe who represent their Prime Minister, President, King or Dynasty of the Country.
• Creating Culinary Diplomacy Clubs around the World starting from India.
• Bridging the Gap of Knowledge and Expertise between Developing and Developed Nations as far as the Hospitality Industry is concerned.
• To establish a separate Chair at UNESCO for Hospitality Industry which will work for Peace & Development through World Food & Cuisines.
• Expanding Horizons of Indian Cuisine and making sure Indian Cuisine reaches the World Platform which is known for its Quality & Goodness.
• Creating a Strong Network of all the Ambassadors of various Countries representing India under one roof for Development & Expansion of the Hospitality Industry of the World together with Unity and Brotherhood.
• Creating cross-cultural understanding and appreciation among different countries and regions through food and cuisine.
• Providing opportunities for networking, collaboration, and learning among the chefs, ambassadors, and other stakeholders of the culinary diplomacy club.
• Enhancing the image and reputation of India and its culinary heritage on the global stage, and attracting more tourists and visitors to the country .
• Promoting peace and development through world food and cuisines, and fostering a sense of unity and brotherhood among the hospitality industry professionals.
• Finally representing India on the Global Platform of Culinary & Hospitality World with the message to get united on International Terrain via their official & Government slogan ‘The World is One Family’.
• As in the ancient Indian history & scriptures it is written अयं निज: परोवेति, गणना लघुचेत साम् उदार चरितानाम् तु, वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम
In English as – Only ignorant or narrow minded people think about in terms of me, mine and not mine, while for the broad -minded one, the
whole world is like a family, like own.
In Hindi as – जिनका हृदय बड़ा होता है, उनके लिए पूरी धरती ही परिवार होती है और जिनका हृदय छोटा है, उनकी सोच वह यह अपना है, वह पराया है की होती है।