Legal Advocacy Services
MoU Signed – No more frauds to happen for Hospitality Business & Experts on International terrain very prestigious ACOHI – ILA MoU Signed at National Secretariat of ACOHI ASIA with the presence of Stalwarts from Judiciary System of India from Supreme Court, High Court & Session Court of India.
Justice to Hospitality Industry of India across India & Asia & its People in Procedures of Court and Judiciary via mechanisms of ADR. Happy to see the Developments of ADR BAR marching ahead. We Wish to thank the Honorable ADR BAR Chief for writing us such a well thought and meaningful letter which gives us hope for Justice to our People and Industry.
India shortly to become the Central Country of ADR in the coming days for the rest of APAC Region for Hospitality Business.
The special service which is given in those legal cases where Individual or Organization does not get any justice for his/her complaint, Chamber takes the special effort to make sure his/her rights are protected in the Hon. Courts of Sessions, High Court & Supreme Court.
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