The biggest challenge underdeveloped nations & India is facing now is facilities on highways which has always been underplayed. Also deaths of thousands of people happening on these highways due to lack of trauma facility & golden hour treatment on highways.
Any highway will be better highway if it is equipped with better facilities in terms of Food, Hygiene, Resting, Lodging and Boarding along with Motel facilities for traveler. Looking on the above grounds the above board is formed which will empower and work for Highway Facility Management & Trauma Center Board which is extremely unique and first of its kind board in entire India and Asia.
There is no specific Board which is working for the development of above cause since there is gap of communication between developed nations and under developed nations for the cause. Chamber is trying to bridge the gap in between to make sure Indian and Asian Highways will be much safer to travel and for resting for which we will be working extremely closely with central and state Government mechanisms of India & Asian Countries.
The above center will also have Highway Management Facility , Class 3 or 4 Trauma Canter along with Station for Parking more than 5- 10 Helicopters which will also work and termed as commercial center for aviation and its development along with food and lodging facility of Motels.
India’s first success story could be seen in below pictures “ India’s First Trauma Center and Highway Food Mall of India on Mumbai Pune Express Highway “